GSSRI’s Learnership, Internship and Graduate preparatory programmes are designed to help with the smooth induction of new employees into the workplace. Youth entering the market place – whether educated and qualified, or not – all need to learn some basic do’s and don’ts of the corporate environment. They need to understand ethics, business culture and basic rules of conduct to smoothly integrate into their new environment.


Fast Facts

R2 565 (incl. VAT)

1 day (8 hours)

Objective and aims of the Programme


  • Develop effective business writing skills.
  • Develop emotional intelligence to understand oneself and work effectively with colleagues and within teams.
  • Develop skills to engage in courageous conversations.
  • Develop a personal brand.
  • Develop advance reading- and study skills to manage learning while working.

This programme enables a candidate to identify critical success factors in the world of work and to understand business and strategic processes. It helps people to prepare proactively for their careers by accepting responsibility for developing themselves as marketable individuals.

Organisational Readiness

Introduction to the World of Work

This programme outlines corporate performance requirements and assist the employee to understand how to deliver against work expectations. We take employees through organisational roles and performance.

Courageous Conversations

This programme develops the skills required to overcome fears of engagiing in difficult conversations. It enables a person to be pro-active in identifying and understand own behaviour, as well as the behaviour of others.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence will help people to develop and enable an environment that encourages and supports true ownership and accountability for effective team growth and performance.  It creates alignment between a team and the company vision and values.

Understanding Structures and Cultures

Enable employees to understand how an organisation is structured, as well as its history and contribution to the economy. This enables new employees to determine how they fit in and add value from the beginning

The corporate world requires smart reading capabilities. This programme will not only equip new people with skills that will enable them to cope with huge amounts of written material in the corporate environment, it will also enable them to study fast and effectively while being full-time employed.



Speed Reading and Study Strategy

Business Writing Skills

Being able to communicate effectively through text in an organisation is key to the successful completion of tasks. In this programme we cover basic business writing skills, grammar and report writing.

Personal Financial Management

New employees can get into financial trouble due to a lack of understanding how to manage their new source of income. Training in personal financial management and budget planning ensure they don’t fall into this trap.

Business Ethics and Value Systems

Another all too common challenge for new employees is an understanding of the ethical and legal requirements placed upon them by corporate organisations.  In order to prevent serious indiscretions, we provide insight into what is acceptable work behaviour and save everyone the strain of disciplinary procedures.

Resilience / Tenacity

The corporate world can get very demanding and stressful. New employees need to learn how to be resilient from the very beginning. This is a lifelong skill that once learnt and incorporated will serve candidates throughout their careers and reduce levels of stress and unhappiness.

Grooming and Behaviour

This is an exciting programme that sets the foundation for professional and well-groomed candidates. Grooming and professional behaviour does not only impact corporates image, but also the potential growth for candidates who have capability and need to demonstrate it across all facets.

Personal Mastery: Presenting Self

Personal Mastery is the discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, focusing our energies, developing patience, and of seeing reality objectively. It is a discipline about living our lives in the service of our highest aspirations.

Yvette Engelbrecht

Executive Manager GSSRI






073 256 2414

Martiens Engelbrecht

Business Developer






076 890 4056

Anthea Buckland

Director:  Training






071 921 5067